
템플릿 – Description of Product

The Best Black Coffee Shop

Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. The genus Coffea is native to tropical Africa, Madagascar, and the Comoros, Mauritius and Réunion in the Indian Ocean.


The traditional method of planting coffee is to place 20 seeds in each hole at the beginning of the rainy season. This method loses about 50% of the seeds’ potential, as about half fail to sprout.


The robusta strain was first collected in 1890 from the Lomani River, a tributary of the Congo River, and was conveyed from Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo) to Brussels to Java around 1900.


Instead, integrated pest management has developed, using techniques such as targeted treatment of pest outbreaks, and managing crop environment away from conditions favouring pests. Branches infested with scale are often cut and left on the ground, which promotes scale parasites to not only attack the scale on the fallen branches but in the plant as well.

[The Rouge]

사업자 번호: 207-23-27803

통신판매신고번호 : 제2022-서울서초-0973호

대표자: 김예은

사업자 주소: 서울시 서초구 강남대로93길22, 1층

대표번호: 02-518-1104
(온라인 클래스 관련 상담은 게시판을 이용해주시기 바랍니다.)

이메일 주소: therougeflower@naver.com

[Contact us]

Adress : 22, Gangnam-daero 93-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 06530

Kakao Talk ID: therougeflower

E-mail:  therougeflower@naver.com

Instagram: @therouge_flower

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